


仕方がないので/root/Dropbox を削除した。

ふと気になって ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd を起動してアンインストールが出来ているか確かめると偶然にも忘れたメアドが書かれていた。



[root@user~]# ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
[ALERT]: Your Dropbox folder has been moved or deleted from its original location. Dropbox will not work properly until you move it back. It used to be located at: /root/Dropbox

To move it back, click "Exit" below, move the Dropbox folder back to its original location, and launch Dropbox again.

This computer was previously linked メアド account.

If you'd like to link to an account again to download and restore your Dropbox from the web version, click "Relink".


とりあえず、指示に従って mkdir Dropbox をして 再び ~/.dropbox-dist/dropboxd
